Titan quest masteries
Titan quest masteries


It can be powered up to 8 levels and increases the character’s chance to dodge missile attacks from enemies. This is a passive skill and requires Art Of The Hunt as a prerequisite.

titan quest masteries

Levels 16 - 32įind Cover will give you a better chance to dodge projectiles. Monster Lure is an active summon where you can place a lure that will attract monsters.It unlocks the Detonate skill and can be powered up to 6 levels. It deals an increasing amount of bleeding damage over a 3 second duration. It requires the Takedown skill as a prerequisite and can be powered up to 10 levels. It can be powered up to 8 levels and each level deals additional bleeding damage also, over a period of time.Įviscerate will add bleeding damage to your attack.

titan quest masteries

It is a passive skill and cannot be leveled up.Ĭall of the Hunt an active buff that will give an attack speed boost to your allies and yourself.It is required to unlock the Exploit Weakness skill. They will also receive bleeding damage as a result. It can be powered up to 15 levels with each increasing the amount of piercing damage and projectile speed.īarbed Netting empowers the Ensare skill and causes your enemies to be netted with barbed hooks. It is required to unlock the Puncture shot and Scatter shot skills. Marksmanship is an active primary attack where you can shoot arrows with more speed and damage. It lasts for 120 seconds + 24 seconds per additional level. Herbal Remedy is an active buff that will increase your poison resistance and your life regeneration.It can be powered up to 6 levels with each increasing the amount of poision resistance and health restored. It is a prerequisite to unlocking the Find Cover and Trail Blazing skills. It can be powered up to 10 levels and damages increase with each level learned. The skill increases defensive ability and attack speed.Īrt of the Hunt is a passive skill, that you can toggle off and on your energy reserve, and adds damage against beastmen and animals. It is a passive skill and can be powered up to 6 levels. Wood Lore enhances your defense and your attack speed. Increases the amount of piercing damage done to enemies and also reduces enemies’ health. Unlocks the Eviscerate skill and can be powered up to 12 levels. Take Down is an active skill that will give a forceful strike from your spear. The duration of the foe’s entrapment increases with each level but they can still attack if the character is within range. This skill unlocks the Barbed Netting skill and can be powered up to 8 levels. There are twenty skills designed to give you a primal attack function no matter what weapon you are wielding.Įnsnare is an active skill it will throw a net that will keep the foe from moving. Make sure that you pick your masteries carefully as you can change your skills but not your masteries after you have selected. It just opens up the Hunting skill tree along with the skills that are available to Warfare mastery characters as well.

titan quest masteries titan quest masteries

I can not tell you what a Slayer will be, it is going to be what you create. Remember that all the combinations will open up the skill that are part of that mastery but that the character themselves are what makes the build. These four are categorized as hybrid fighters.The Brigand is created from Hunting and Rogue and classified as a melee machine. For a Bone Charmer you pair Hunting with Spirit and for a Ranger you pair it with Nature mastery. For an Avenger you will need to take Earth as your secondary mastery and for Sage you will need to take Storm as your secondary mastery.


These are categorized as Full Melee characters. For a Slayer you will need to take Warfare as your secondary mastery and for a Warden you will need to take Defense as your secondary mastery. There are seven specialty combinations that go with Hunting mastery. There are 20 skills in the Hunting Mastery that will explore your enemies weakness, and give your weapons buffs for better hits. Hunting skills are given to specialized attacks with a bow or a spear, for their great mastery of mobility, and for their use of tracking and killing their enemies with deft ease. This is all about the skills and the masteries your character can have in Titan Quest. If you are playing this Diablo-esque game you want to know all the tricks of the trade and be as knowledgeable as you can.


There are still a huge following on the game, both offline and online.

Titan quest masteries