Learning on the job training
Learning on the job training

learning on the job training

Its impact is faster and often sig­nif­i­cant­ly larg­er than oth­er train­ing forms.įor the most part, you don’t have to remove peo­ple from their every­day envi­ron­ment in order to ini­ti­ate train­ing. As research shows, learn­ing on the job is the most effec­tive way to make sure that employ­ees change their behav­iour as a result of their train­ing. It focus­es pre­dom­i­nant­ly on employ­ee skills and their appli­ca­tions. When train­ing occurs in the work­place it can be put into effect imme­di­ate­ly. If an employ­ee express­es a con­cern or you iden­ti­fy a need to imple­ment train­ing it can be done extreme­ly quick­ly and effectively. It can be applied to employ­ees as and when they need to learn with­out a great deal of sched­ul­ing and organ­i­sa­tion. This form of train­ing can be imple­ment­ed when the need arrives. Also, as it hap­pens, when peo­ple are work­ing you don’t need to pro­vide cov­er or take them away to their day to day jobs to train them. In-house, on the job train­ing is the most cost-effec­tive train­ing you can pro­vide sim­ply because you don’t need to put as much mon­ey into it as you would train­ing providers or con­tent providers. You can ensure that your employ­ees are get­ting the train­ing as and when they need it with the addi­tion­al touch of being unique to your com­pa­ny’s val­ues and aims.

learning on the job training

Mov­ing train­ing to on the job allows you to tai­lor every learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to the required out­come whilst also keep­ing it per­son­al, man­age­able and scal­able. Com­mu­ni­cat­ing this can be very hard when employ­ees are tak­en away from the work­place and dropped into train­ing that is removed from their envi­ron­ment or pro­vid­ed with off-the-shelf train­ing content. This unique­ness can cov­er every­thing from the prod­ucts you devel­op to your com­pa­ny val­ues. This blog cov­ers just a few of the rea­sons why learn­ing on the job is so ben­e­fi­cial to both the employ­ee and the employer. Project Man­age­ment Institute’s Lead Instruc­tion­al Design­er Karen Hol­loway said, “The in situ expe­ri­ence helps strength­en recall of infor­ma­tion in a way that class­room learn­ing can’t.” On the job train­ing, more than any­thing else, ensures that learn­ing is embed­ded in the work­place and that behav­iour has been changed. How­ev­er, often, train­ing takes place away from the job floor, either in a spe­cif­ic train­ing room or many miles away from the office, this can put a wall between what the employ­ees are learn­ing and how they are work­ing everyday. Why? Because it’s not train­ing that’s just giv­en to employ­ees, but some­thing that they can par­tic­i­pate in.Īs we well know, the major­i­ty of learn­ing occurs in the 70% and learn­ing on the job is a major part of that. Learn­ing on the job is the most impor­tant part of train­ing.

Learning on the job training